As part of efforts to reduce gender based violent (GBV), Adamawa State Ministry of Health and Human services and Ministry of women affairs and social department partnered Nation centre for diseases Control (NCDC), COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Project (COPREP) and World Bank Project organized a two day sensitization program in Yola.
The participants who were sensitized on prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse/ Sexual Harassment (SEAH/SH) were drawn from all the 21 local government area of the state.
In his opening remark, COPREP Project Coordinator Mr. Damba D. Kwinke said the aim of the workshop is to build the capacity of stakeholders on SEA/SH , GBV and Referral Pathway.
Noting that GBV is one of the global Menace affecting women, men, girls and boys that needs to urgently addressed.
He urged participants to listen carefully and learned from the facilitators.
State Coordinator WHO Adamawa State Dr. Ahemen T.A. in his good will message appreciated the present of traditional leaders and other women and youth leaders from each LGA.
Stressing that “GBV happened every were in the world, it can happen in our communities, place of work, schools, market and other institution”.
Dr. Ahemen noted that for this program to have impacts, traditional leaders have vital roles to play in every activities especially in Immunization and outbreak response in the state.
“GBV cases should be reported as it will help survivors to face any STI’s, avoid unwanted pregnancy and truma, and we need to work together to mitigate these menace in our communities”.
Mr. Elam Daniel. Present the introduction of SEA/SH and GBV, gave a brief discussion on Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Abuse.
He presented the policy frame work IASC core principle 2002, policy frame work secretary general, Bulletin 2003. outlining and discussing survivors center approach, seeking to empower survivor and promote their recoveries.
Describing “safety, confidentiality, respect, and non discrimination, lso he present immediate assistance, security, medical cares, Legal Justice, mental health and psychosocial response, Basic materials food, clothing and shelter as necessary”
Bar. Fatima Raji Bello who gave her presentation on legal framework on GBV. stated that the right of victim in term of legislation and protection of his or her right.
However she outline the application laws and Legislation as it concerns the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999
According to her the Administration of Criminal justice act / ACJL, Penal Cord law 2018 and Violence Against Person Prosecution, Child Right Act / Child Protection Law, Anti-Torture ACT, Police ACT & Regulations and International / Regional Instrument are all laws created to fight against GBV.
The GBV Consultant Mr. Abdulmalik Yusufu presented the concepts definition of Referral and referral pathway. He said why it is important to refer to health services.
However he also discussed how to reporting a case of GBV and he/she may disclose his/her express to a trust family members or friends.