…I congratulate you on your well deserved re-election
Your Excellency, Sir:
I write to formally congratulate you on your well deserved re-election for a second term at the just concluded general election in our dear state.
Your re-election no doubt is a testament of your commitment and dedication to painstakingly stick to all your set developmental goals, aimed to take our state to higher heights as exemplified so far in your scorecard from 2019 to date.
Sir, your success at the just concluded polls, is a major pointer that politics today, unlike in the past, is tilting towards meritocracy and not godfatherism. This you have demonstrated in several ways.
It may not be unconnected to this laudable developments attainments of yours, that although you contested against equally qualified candidates from across the political parties in the state, and other forces elsewhere, you came out victorious against all odds.
Your campaign mantra to rebuild and add value to our state encapsulates the whole yearnings of the citizenry. It is my prayer that as you did in the early days of your first term, you will immediately after inauguration still hit the ground running- and face the daunting task of rebuilding the state, a task that is your regular terrain .
Congratulations once again Your Excellency for standing firm and resolute in the service of your people.
Yours faithfully,
Sen. Binos Dauda Yaroe JP FCA