Macauley Hunohashi
We are on the threshold of electing another set of political leaders into whose hands we are expected to entrust our future. Political leadership, in a parsimonious definition, refers to the impact on decision-making and political outcomes that result from actions by the holder of a political office. Thus, it is connected to leadership style and may be rooted in certain character traits of the leader’s personality, as well as the life metaphor of the elected political leader.
As we inch toward making that auspicious decision in the next couple of weeks, the onus therefore squarely rests on all of us to do the right thing by choosing those that are steeped in the nuances of quality representation.
We, the discerning, are in agreement with the unassailable fact that, for so long, quality representation, especially at the federal house of representatives, has continued to elude the Bwatiye nation. Therefore, electing good political leaders is as sacrosanct as it is more than desirable.
The pertinent question to ask is, what makes a good political leader? In an attempt to provide answers, from my own perspective, I would opine that a political leader must have the following requisite credentials to qualify as one.
1-Good communicator.
A good political leader must have excellent written and verbal communcation skills, persuasive speaker in private and in public, as well as emphatic listener. We should not be guided by sentiments in deciding who represents us at all levels. Provision of food items and other palliatives are laudable but not enough. House of Reps is a “talk shop” where members ventilate and articulate, sometimes with vitriolic fervour, the feelings of their constituents. It’s not for bench warmers or “kurmaye”. English language is the medium of communication.
2-Honesty and Integrity.
Being honest means that you don’t pretend to be something you are not. With honesty, you can trust things to be as they appear. Integrity is standing up for what you believe is right and living by your highest values. What is our highest value as Bwatiye nation. We need a member that will defent it with gusto. All resources meant for constituency projects should be channelled for such purposes. This is integrity.
3-Decision maker.
This is the process of making choices by identifying a decision and assessing alternative resolutions. Our collective decision is to have a sense of belonging as a constituent part of Nigeria. People who are “settlers” should not be allowed to use our quota to their advantage at the expense of the Aboriginal Bwatiyes.
We need a member that is cerebral, mixes freely, that can build bridges and with street credibility.
4-Must be able to inspire others.
You can only inspire others by showing good character traits of selflessness and integrity, providing clear vision and making it plain for those climbing the ladder to succeed you. A good leader must have a succession plan by raising an army of prospective successors. The plan must be devoid of putting square peg in a round hole.
5-Must delegate tasks effectively.
Having an exaggerated or over bloated impression about your capacity is an invitation to failure. Remember that you can’t do everything if you must provide leadership. Delegation reduces stress.
6-Man with a vision and purpose.
At its core, political power comes from the ability to understand what other people fear or desire, and to use that understanding to influence their behaviors. A political leader must have a clear vision and purpose. The passion that drives your elected leader is his or her life metaphor. If the leader relishes having exotic cars he will use resources meant for you to buy exotic cars. Same goes for his love for real estate, hotels, women, etc.
7-Open door and unfettered access.
A good political leader does not run from people. While some people pay visits for pecuniary reasons (to collect), others will come to offer quality advice. Maintain an open door policy and be a cheerful giver (not from your wallet), direct from your pocket😀