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Combating Violent extremism: Sheik Lemu’s Message of FoRB Interfaith Harmony L’ship Training Workshop


Combating Violent extremism: Sheik Lemu’s Message of FoRB Interfaith Harmony L’ship Training Workshop

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Sheikh Nurudeen Lemu Ahmad delivered a compelling message on the importance of interfaith understanding and local solutions to combating violent extremism at the FoRB (Freedom of Religion and Belief) leadership training workshop held at Hawthorne Suites Abuja.

Highlighting the gravity of violent extremism, Sheikh Nurudeen emphasized that interfaith conflict is an enduring challenge that demands urgent attention. He noted the alarming rise in violence across West Africa and stressed the necessity of addressing the issue proactively.

In his address, Sheikh Nurudeen cautioned against overlooking local solutions in favor of global standards, underscoring the wisdom inherent within communities. He urged attendees to refrain from applying blanket solutions and instead advocated for a nuanced, context-specific approach.

Acknowledging Nigeria’s diverse landscape, Sheikh Nurudeen emphasized the need to think and act locally, cautioning against the assumption that solutions for one region can be seamlessly applied to another. He urged leaders to avoid abdicating responsibility and to actively engage in addressing societal issues.

Furthermore, Sheikh Nurudeen underscored the importance of not assigning religious leaders undue responsibility for non-religious matters, stressing that such actions only deflect accountability. He reminded participants that justice and moral governance transcend religious divides, emphasizing the need for inclusive, just societies.

In fostering interfaith harmony, Sheikh Nurudeen stressed the importance of widening the network of bridge builders and identifying trusted gatekeepers within communities. He warned against the presence of individuals intent on sabotaging efforts to build bridges between faiths, emphasizing the need for sustained engagement at all levels of society.

In closing, Sheikh Nurudeen emphasized that where morals are upheld, the need for stringent laws diminishes, highlighting the intrinsic value of ethical governance in fostering harmonious coexistence.

The workshop attendees left with a renewed commitment to promoting interfaith understanding and local empowerment as essential components of countering violent extremism and fostering sustainable peace.