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Forbes best of African award to Ahmadu is a well-deserving one-Audu,Former COS


Forbes best of African award to Ahmadu is a well-deserving one-Audu,Former COS

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Forbes pencilled down African genius in areas of their endeavours and calling in life for 2020 best of African award with Mahmood Ahmadu as one of the recipients to be honoured.

This recognition, Ahmadu’s former Chief of Staff (COS) in his Nigeria office and friend for decades, Alhaji Ayuba Audu said the award is a well deserving one because of the strides is making in the telecommunications industry and information technology.

Ayuba said the Adamawa born technocrat has unique intellectuals in business that made him grow faster tentacles spreading to the lengths and widths of many countries in Africa and Europe.

Ahmadu Founder and Executive Chairman of OIS, also known as Online Integrated Solutions Ltd according to Audu is little of the genius abilities in him with many ideas he has to give out as new innovation in the world’s IT industry.

While congratulating the UK based Nigeria business tycoon, Audu said the hardworking businessman from the northern states of Nigeria has the constant effort to be the best in whatever he does.

“His tenacity to work helped him in managing a strong international network between IT and Telecom companies which further boosted his capability and credibility. He further leveraged his business over the next several years and expanded his venture both locally and internationally. Subsequently, he made a good reputation with both the international and Nigerian business world which expanded his companies into a multinational presence in over 30 international locations across 10 different time zones.” Audu said

The Turakin Mubi traditional title has made him a man of the people, keeping in touch with his originality making proud the people of Mubi emirate council of Adamawa state.