Hamisu Idris Medugu, a renowned philanthropist in Adamawa Northern Senatorial District has donated a block of information and communication technology (ICT) in Government day secondary school Madagali, which used to be his Alma Mater primary school before it was upgraded to a secondary school in 2009.
Medugu who is aspiring the political seat of the Northern senatorial district of the state told TG NEWS that he facilitated for an ICT intervention project worth over thirty-five million naira to the school, but the poor infrastructure facility and limited structures necessitated him to build a block for the school as his goodwill donation.
“When the intervention came up with 40 computers, furniture, servers,solar energy panels,inverters and other appliances, we realized none of the school structures will contain them, so I have to build the block from the scratch as my donation to the school,” Idris said
The senatorial hopeful said is never relenting in scouting for a lot of intervention programs to his Alma mater school he went to across the Northern zone.
He emphasized the need for education, especially now that the world is fast becoming a global village through the use of ICT. Calling on parents and Guardian to support children schools enrollment, especially the girl-child.
According to him, twenty-first-century education has been taken over by computer technology and no child will be able to get a proper education or succeed well academically without him being thought or become an ICT compliance student.
He said one of his agenda embedded in the blueprint of why he want to be the senator of the five local governments once ravaged by Boko Haram, where many communities’ socioeconomic status was brought down to nothing by insurgents, he set education as a target to restore the glory of the zone.
While calling on well-meaning individuals across the state to lend their hands of support to the less privileged and communities lacking in health and education facilities, he vowed to change the ugly narratives if he has the mandate of the people to go to the National Assembly to protect their interest by speaking, consultation, influencing and sponsoring laws and bills for the development of the area.
Also, Idris revealed the empowerment program he has scheduled to do shortly will liberate many out of poverty in Madagali, Michika, Mubi North, Mubi South and Maiha.