Online Media practitioners have been employed to strive for professional excellence, and live above board in their quest to inform, educate and entertain the general public.
The position was canvassed during the unveiling of the Northeast Online Media Association (NOMAS) on Monday in Yola.
Far reaching decisions aimed at promoting online journalism were reached during the meeting presided by Muhammad Adamu Dodo, the publisher of The Periscope Global publishers via a 10 point communique.
Members of the association were advised to register their platforms with regulatory bodies and notify the leadership of Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) as well as security agencies about their operations.
It was also agreed that publishers copying an already published work must give credit to the source of its story in line with copyright guidelines.
The meeting also tasked members to adhere strictly to the journalism code of ethics while performing their social responsibility of educating, informing and entertaining the people.
Online journalists were tasked to be thorough, meticulous and objective in their reportage and were enjoined to avoid breaking news without proper verification or confirmation from credible and relevant sources.
The meeting also appealed on members to be united, committed and avoid unnecessary competition and rivalry among themselves and strive towards enhancing professionalism, unity and progress.
The session also advised practitioners to constantly update their knowledge and keep themselves abreast with the happenings around them because the general public rely on them for information just as they were advised to be agenda setters for the government and the society for the good of all.
The meeting resolved to hold regular interactive sessions aimed at enhancing the capacity of members and resolved to plead on behalf of a colleague who is in detention occasioned by challenges associated with the profession
(Fact Checks)