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One Vrati S. Nzonzo has written an article lamenting why Sen. Aishatu Dahiru Ahmed (Binani)’s name was missing in the list of honorable Nigerians from various walks of life honored with Dotorate Degrees of Letters for their distinguished service to Nigeria and humanity by the Modibbo Adama University, Yola.

His pulses tell him that while the “awardees are all imminently qualified and deserving of the honor without bias…the icing on the cake was [the] conspicuously missing [name of] Sen.Aishatu Dahiru Ahmed Binani” from the list.

His incling is for the simple fact that the senator was the central factor in the conversion of the then Federal University of Technology into “the new conventional University in Yola now called MAU” and went ahead to make comparisons with past eminent sons of the soil, ala Prof. Jibril Aminu and H.E. Gov. Boni Haruna, who were the brains behind MauTech and ADSU.

Although the writer had made efforts to present himself as well-learned and a product of the same institution to justify his assessment of the situation, I’m afraid that his ignorance of the content and philosophy behind the very degrees he earned and proudly displays is apparent and appalling.

Somewhere in the early pages of your student handbook handed to you at the point of registration as an undergraduate student, you must have been told, Mr. Nzenzo, that a degree is earned first as a measure of character, and then learning. You must have been introduced to the concept of universal character which led to the naming of institutions designed to instill those values and virtues in humans as “university”.

Thus, the universal institution (i.e. a University) is a place where progressive minds are created and challenged, making it not a space for mediocrity or material pursuit, but citadels where character reigns above wealth, power and luxury. We, in the university, are more inclined to discipline than success, devotion to truth and justice than material contribution.

If you understood these basic, foundational values of the university, and the philosophy behind the certificates issued by this institution, you would have found it weird to see the name of the most desperate, insolent political thug in the same list as people of unquestionable character, the likes of Dahiru Bobbo, Indimi, Boni Haruna, among others.

Even if Sen. Binani was the founder, financier and owner of MAU, her actions in the just concluded Governorship elections which put Adamawa and the whole nation in a show of shame would have automatically expelled her from any consideration for a public award.

In saner climes where I earned my degrees, Ms. Binani’s certificates would have been immediately recalled and confiscated, for no university would want to be associated with such a tragedy of a daylight political armed robber parading as a leader.

A friend of mine who works in the foreign services once told me that the women folks in the international community deeply regret lending their voices to Binani, for she has made them look stupid and has bastadized women’s appeal in public domain.

Not only that Binani attempted to buy off a Govenorship elections, she actually tried to robb it in day light, issued an acceptance speech of an election that was yet to be concluded and collated.

Even fraudulent primary school pupils would not attempt to steal exams after marking, but Binani actually wanted to steal exams scores after senate approval. What a woman!

As if that insult on the collective dignity of our state and the image of our country is not enough, this woman had the temerity to approach the courts to enforce this bizarre theft. This was the highest level of insolence that no human being of an iota of dignity would be associated with.

After all these destabilising storms Binani caused the innocent citizens of this state, she’s still out there parading herself as a victim of elections malpractices. She actually does this with straight face, without shame.

While all of this is going on, you, Mr. Nzenzo, want to ridicule our most important institution of learning by demanding that it lists this kind of individual for an honorary doctorate. Doctorate? Shouldn’t we be talking about why ABU is yet to recall her certificates given her monumental failure in character?

Finally, my advice to Binani and her folks at this point is to lay low, keep silent and wait for the long arm of the law to catch up with them. I do not think that Nigeria is so weak not to deal with Ari, Binani and their co-travelers.

The next time you or anyone wants to impress your paymaster, remember that there’ll be patriotic citizens that’ll stand up against you.

Our mumu don do!