Over the weekend, Umar Galadima Educational Foundation (UGEdFoundation) have honoured one commissioner, two Professors, two PhD holders and one lecturer from Bayero University Kano with an excellence award in recognition of their outstanding educational achievements and community services under the Postgraduate Students Association of the Department of Adult Education and Community Services in their graduation Dinner.
The recipients of the excellence award include Professor MB Shitu, Prof Ghali Saidu, Awwal Halilu, PhD, Usman Abba Idris, PhD, Mr David Usuwe and Hon. Muhammad Ahmad Garba from Jigawa State Ministry for Local Government and Chieftancy Affairs.
Professor MB Shitu and President Institute of Community Development Practioners of Nigeria (ICDPN) in his remarks “I will like to thank the Students for rewarding excellence in educational service delivery” while Professor Ghali Saidu and Head of Department Community Services said “you all have done well in your approaches and presentations of the report from the recent field trip and community services where you are connect the knowledge in class with realities and field dynamics and no student is left behind”.
The founder of UGEdFoundation also appreciate the commissioner for prompt response to the outcome of the report by immediately commencing the renovation of Primary Health Care Service and move to construction of Secondary School in the far reach rural communities of Kiyawa Local Government as his response to the identified issues in the visited communities during the field trip in Jigawa State.
The founder also appreciate the Professors and lecturers in their dedication to teaching practical knowledge and theories to the entire graduands were knowledge gained was put into practice during the field trip especially Rogers, Games and Communications theories that came out very clear in the diffusion of innovation focus group discussions led by various groups of students of the department in different communities.
UGEdFoundation is open to support excellence in instructional delivery and community education that will continue impact the lives of the people especially in the far reach communities.